Basins - Parks and domains
It is a rare thing, when planting a garden, to have the ability to use only the scent of the plants as a guide. Here, in beds of solid blocks of plants, the positioning has been carefully arranged in order to achieve harmony, not so much of foliage and blooms as of scent. Whether it was that of black poplars, white lilies or viburnum, it is the fragrance that has guided these choices. Close to the swimming pool, the clumps of rosemary and star jasmine exhale their perfume with the intensity of Mediterranean heat, while on the other side of a bank one breathes the scent of Mexican orange, peonies and rose trees in bloom. At dusk, the air is full of soft, delicate, woody notes.
Produced in collaboration with Glatz et Delachaux, achitects, Nyon
Pictures : Thomas Hensinger, Geneva – Marina Denogent, Prangins