Parks and domains - Historic gardens
Maintenance - Pruning - Triming - Fellling - Planting - Lawns - Surface treatments - Garden furniture - Pots
‘Courtenod’ stands at the centre of beautiful meadowland, planted with oaks and crossed by a river. The approaches to the house are bordered by hornbeams planted in chicanes, blocking the view first on one side and then on the other. They lead to the courtyard, from where only the garden can be seen: huge, teardrop-shaped beds meanders between the plantations of trees, and have been planted in waves of grasses – pennisetum, miscanthus and molina – chosen for the way in which they develop and the shape of the clumps they form. A horizontal perspective dominates this garden, which is free of any fencing. Only the vertical emphasis of the tall trees contrasts with the flat expanse of fields and the sinuosity of the plantings.
Produced in collaboration with Verena Best, architect, Geneva
Pictures : Thomas Hensinger, Geneva – Marina Denogent, Prangins